Open Android Studio badly will possiably cause the following problem:
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Problems found loading plugins: Plugin "Google Analytics Uploader" was not loaded: required plugin "Android Support" is disabled. Plugin "SDK Updater" was not loaded: required plugin "Android Support" is disabled. Plugin "Android NDK Support" was not loaded: required plugin "Android Support" is disabled. Plugin "Google App Indexing" was not loaded: required plugin "Android Support" is disabled. Plugin "Google Cloud Tools For Android Studio" was not loaded: required plugin "Android Support" is disabled. Plugin "Google Cloud Testing" was not loaded: required plugin "Android Support" is disabled. Plugin "Google Services" was not loaded: required plugin "Android Support" is disabled.
I faced the problem that it tooks like for ever for the process of transformClassesAndResourcesWithProguardForRelease. This problem happens when you have multiple libraries need to be Proguard/Dexguard. Add the line multiDexEnabled true in to your gradle defaultConfig will fix this problem.